Maximum Number of Players and details for each age group
Under 9 12 players (7 a side)
Under 10/11/12 14 players (9 a side)
Under 13 and above 16 players (11 side)
Under 9’s, 10’s, 11’s and 12’s will play by the rules of Mini Roos as issued by FFA, with the exception of Interchange (please see below).
Under 13 and above will play by the FIFA Laws of the game.
Relative Age Effect players may be included at the discretion of the DJSA Committee. Clubs/Associations/Schools will need to apply in writing to in time to be approved by the DJSA committee before Thursday 6th June 2024.
Interchange of Players
Each team is allowed a maximum of six (6) interchanges per match, 3 per half. Coaches may interchange as many players as they wish at any one time but can only do this 6 times.
Interchanges can only be made with the referee’s permission and the ball must be out of play.
Players must be ready to enter the field of play straight away and all interchanges MUST take place from the halfway line.
The interchange player cannot enter the field until the player being replaced has crossed the touchline.
Further interchanges are permitted at the half time break and are not included in the 6 permitted per match.
This rule will be waived in the event of a player being injured after all 6 interchanges have been made. An injured player may interchange in order to receive treatment.
Grouping of Teams into Divisions:
We endeavor to have all teams entered playing in their correct age group and division. If an age group does not have sufficient teams, they will be given the opportunity to play in the next appropriate competition and grouping of teams into divisions within an age group will also be dependent on team numbers.
E.g., U10 Tier.2 Teams will play in an U10 combined competition if there are insufficient teams entered into the Tier.2 competition.
Registration of Players:
All players must be registered with FFA, these must be finalised within
Teams will be permitted to field players one year under the age group, but no more. Over age players are not permitted. (Relative Age Effect players may be included at the discretion of the DJSA Committee. Clubs/Associations/Schools will need to apply in writing to in time to be approved by the DJSA committee before Thursday 6th June 2024. )
Please see Football Tasmania Appendix A - Youth Age Eligibility.
Each team will submit a team list with names, dates of birth, and player kit numbers.
Any team found playing a player who is not correctly registered or who does not appear on the team sheet shall be deemed to have lost that match and the opposing team shall be awarded 3 points and goals recorded as 3-0 in their favour.
Players can only play for one team for the duration of the Cup.
Uniform and Equipment
Each team must have an alternate playing kit (at least top) or a set of bibs.
If two teams are wearing a similar colour, then the team named second on the match will be required to change shirts or wear bibs.
No two teams will be permitted to play in the same colours.
Goalkeepers must wear a top that distinguishes them from the rest of the players and the Referees.
Socks must cover the shin guard. No player will be permitted to play without shin guards.
Players or goalkeepers are not to wear of any kind of jewellery. Any player found wearing any jewellery will be asked to leave the field of play until such time as it has been removed.
Undershirts and Undershorts
Undershorts/skins are permitted but MUST be the same main colour as the playing shorts.
Undershirts are permitted but MUST be the same main colour as the playing shirt.
Allocation of Points
Teams will be awarded points for each game played as follows:
Win 3 Points
Draw 1 Point each
Loss 0 points.
Teams found breaching tournament rules will be penalised by loss of points.
The team finishing with the most points will be declared the winner.
If teams finish on equal points, the winner will be determined:
firstly, by goal difference then
by the number of goals scored by each team.
If a draw remains, then the team winning the round match between the drawn teams will be declared the winner.
If this match was drawn the teams shall be declared joint winners.
For divisions where finals matches are held between 1v2 or 1v1 (where there are two pools of teams) the winner will be determined by:
The winner of the 1v2 or 1v1 final will be declared the winner.
Game will be played according to normal rules for that division.
The referee will keep a record of corners awarded to each team during the game.
At full-time if the scores are even then most corners will decide the winner.
If still even then the winner will be determined by results of the rostered games as below:
The team finishing with the most points will be declared the winner.
If teams finish on equal points, the winner will be determined:
firstly, by goal difference then
by the number of goals scored by each team.
If still even the teams shall be declared joint winners.
Match Balls
Referees will provide a match ball for each game.
Referees will be provided for each match, however teams must be prepared to provide an Assistant Referee if required. Please remember that our referees are here to learn and develop, as are the players. Any breach of the Code of Conduct against any referee will not be condoned.
Disciplinary Actions
All players and officials agree to be bound by the FFA Code of Conduct for the duration of the tournament.
In the event of a player/team official receiving two (2) yellow cards in a single match the player/team official will be shown a red card and asked to leave the field of play and leave the area under the referee’s guidance. The player/team official will receive an automatic one (1) match suspension, and this must be served in the team’s next scheduled match without dispute. These two (2) yellow cards will not count in the player's accumulated yellow card tally as they are regarded as red cards for the purpose of the suspension.
In the event of a player/team official receiving a red card in a match, the player must leave the field of play and leave the area under the guidance of the referee. The player/team official will receive an automatic one (1) match suspension. The incident will be presented to the Devonport Junior Soccer committee and player/team official will be notified if any additional suspension will be imposed depending on the severity of the incident.2
Where a player accumulates three (3) yellow cards or a team official accumulates (2) yellow cards during the tournament the player/team official will receive an automatic one (1) match suspension that must be served in the team’s next scheduled match. The yellow card tally reverts to nil once this suspension has been served.
As per FIFA laws the decision of the referee is FINAL. Only in the event of mistaken identity in cautioning or the sending off of a player/team official, can there be consideration of any written appeal. There will be no appeal against yellow cards, and no protests will be heard on any judgement calls by a referee.
Any team found playing an ineligible or suspended player/team official will be deemed to have lost the match and the opposing team awarded 3 points and goals recorded as 3-0 in their favour.
Presentations will be made as soon as practical once final group placings have been decided and they will take place at the nominated presentation area. Postage arrangements may be made for teams when the presentation time does not suit the team’s travel arrangements.
Winning and Runners Up teams will receive team trophies and individual medallions.
Devonport Junior Soccer reserve the right to alter or add to these rules as seen fit.